Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Heap of Hope on a Helpful Horizon

Hello universe,

I realized I haven't blogged here since my super emo WAAAAAAAAAAAAH post last week.  I haven't really had much to say in that I haven't had anything really bad going on.  But using ones blog to only piss and moan about trivial things is a bit more emo-tastic than I would like to embrace, so with that in mind, let's discuss some positive things, shall we?

First up, after my pitiful rant about never being accepted into the world of all things writer-y, I received an email from the editor of our local paper.  A little history here:  A few weeks ago, I had messaged her asking if the paper carried any bloggers, when she wrote back that indeed they did *not* I replied why I thought they might benefit from one, linked to other small local papers that utilized such tactics, and selfishly suggested myself for the position.

I didn't hear back from her which made me assume that perhaps she wasn't in the mood to have suggestions lobbed at her by some random chick and was peeved by the intrusion.

Until last week of course.  I had just put the kidlets to bed and was talking to the Hubbin' when I checked my email and the editors reply popped up.  I opened it expecting a slightly more polite version of, "Erm, fuck off, mmkay?" but instead she informed me that she had taken my suggestions to her publisher, they in fact *loved* them and now want to meet with me to discuss more of my ideas.

I was pretty damn speechless after reading it.  Well, that and stupid with a touch of glee.

The prospect is *thrilling*.  I might get to write, like actually write where people would read it on a professional level.  I don't even care to be paid.  I just want to have someone waiting for my words to arrive.  To have a deadline and a published site.  Of dear god, the readers.  I could squeal thinking about having readers....

Plus, this would look stellar as all heck on a resume...  It has been suggested the prospect of contacts in the publishing world, but we are a pretty small town that I wouldn't imagine there were many contacts to be made.  Regardless, I am like, WOOHOO about the idea.

Even went out and bought muhself a pretty, new, respectable looking outfit.  Well, after trolling around the store looking at all the clothes and hating being five feet tall and equally as wide...

I really want this to work out.  I *need* it to.  I need something that is just mine, something for me.  Something that has actual ties to the real world.

Le optimistic sigh.

If you have the fingers to spare, I would appreciate any crossing of them you could send my way, dear invisible readers.  It would be much appreciated on my end.

I hope you all are having a lovely week!

Until next time,

Peace, Love and Optimism....